
Dierynck, B., J., Van der Geest, and Van Pelt, V. (2024). In Search of Informed Discretion (Revisited): Are Managers Concerned about Appearing Selfish? Journal of Management Accounting Research, 37(1), 1-23.

Van Pelt, V. (2023). Asymmetric Adjustment of Control. Contemporary Accounting Research, 40(4), 2203-2225.

Wood D.A., Achhplilia, M.P., Adams, M.T., Aghazadeh, S., Akinyele, K., Akpan, M., ... Zoet, E. (2023). The ChatGPT Artificial Intelligence Chatbot: How Well Does It Answer Accounting Assessment Questions? Issues in Accounting Education, 38(4), 1-28.

Dierynck, B., and Van Pelt, V. (2021). The Sorting Benefits of Discretionary Adjustment to Performance-based Pay. Management Accounting Research, 52, 100755.

Kamp, B. and Van Pelt, V. (2014). De Mededeling Omtrent Gebleken Fundamentele Fouten. Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie, 88(9), 349-357.

Working Papers

Gassen, J., Klug, J., and Van Pelt, V. (2024). Accountants' Attitudes Towards Open Science. Available at:

Berg, T., H. Lyngstadås, and Van Pelt, V. (2024). A Double-Edged Sword: The Impact of Relative Performance Information on Overwork Across Different Types of Tasks. Available at:

Rilke, R.M., S. Lehnen, Van Pelt, V., and C. Guenther (2024). Motivating Low Performers with Input-Based Relative Performance Feedback: Evidence from a Field Experiment. Available at:

Dierynck, B., Jacob, M., Müller, M., Peters, C., and V. Van Pelt (2024). Public Tax Disclosures and Investor Perceptions. Available at:

Ressi, A., Schaupp, D., and V. Van Pelt (2024). What Do You Recommend? The Effects of Communication on Misreporting in Autonomous Teams. Available at:

Van Pelt, V. (2022). Aspirations for Writing Professional and Academic Documents. Available at: